Matrix-Q Plants Trees

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The earth is 4.6 Billion years old. Let's scale that to 46 years

We (humans) have been here for 4 hours. Our industrial revolution began 1 minute ago In that time as much as 80% of the world's forests have been destroyed or irreparably degraded. Our ancient forests are looted every day to supply cheap timber and wood products to the world. The price for this destruction is escalating climate change, biodiversity loss, and community displacement. And it’s happening in our region.

Millions of species are extinct. Produced tremendous amounts of waste. We depleted our planet's resources. Human inequalities, destruction of cultures and human ethnic groups, and the list can go on...

Climate change outcomes will need 100+ years and 9+ generations to be solved, a re-balancing process that the earth living systems need to undergo, within a time in which the human species stills resists, to change, and avoids accountability by setting conflicting priorities.

At the age of human influence, the Anthropocene, humanity is divided by those acting, towards a holistic change and those acquiring the information and knowledge necessary to realize the kind of systemic change that is needed and their role and possible contributions, to the acceleration of our planet back to a sustainable future.


In this context the Matrix-Q Ecosystem is taking action, dedicating efforts to the holistic education of a new generation of entrepreneurs, leaders, innovators, and impact investors. Enabling multidisciplinary innovation, and values, and impact-driven start-ups, products, services.

Matrix-Q Entrepreneurs and consultants are experts in the art of holistic strategic management and engaged leaders committed to the acceleration of our planet back to a sustainable future.

Matrix-Q Entrepreneurs plant trees and boost biodiversity. We acquire forests, biodiversity corridors, and land together. We transfer the duty of caretaking of this valuable resource to the next generations of our ecosystem.


In this context, the Matrix-Q Ecosystem partnership with organizations, communities, and leaders is aligned to the same values, vision, and mission.

Our aim is to utilize the most ancient and easily available technology to compensate and re-balance our planet. Natural technology. For example trees, algae, mycelium, insects, mammals, and any other natural form accelerate the rebalancing and recovering of ecosystems or terraforming that enables the creation and care of new ecosystems.


In the following webinars, you will explore with us together conversations with our partners, network members, leaders, and members of our ecosystem.


EcoTree is one of our first partners in this collective effort to plant trees and boost biodiversity and life sustainability systems.

The conversation between Luis Daniel Maldonado Fonken and Kristoffer Sparre shares information, knowledge, and insights on the global dilemma and suggests actions, strategies, and alternatives that benefit both society, nature, and the economy. With a business model that entrepreneurs can easily take.

We also share insights on how the Matrix-Q Ecosystem strategy works and long-term plans in the ecosystem business are dedicated to a multigenerational and family-driven impact. (100+ years)


We intend to update our ecosystem with our achievements


  1. The information is being shared free of charge. You are welcome and invited to donate an amount. Please realize that your donation will be used to plant more trees and care for biodiversity.
  2. The Matrix-Q Ecosystem weekly organizes events and services. The income generated is dedicated 100% to planting trees and caring for biodiversity. by attending those events you win three times: RSVP and GET 3 times the value of your Investment Back
    • > The event fees will be used to plant trees.
    • > You will enjoy a wonderful think tank, webinar, workshop, and play session
    • > You receive Matrix-Q Tokens you can trade later for additional services and products
  3. Matrix-Q Ecosystem companies and entrepreneurs committed to investing a % of their final net income every year, to planting trees and caring for biodiversity. When you purchase our services, you are directly contributing to the creating of the new lungs of the planet.
  4. Would you like to share with us about your projects, knowledge, innovation, vision, and activities, caring for the acceleration of the transition of our planet back to a sustainable future? please contact us at

All memberships include a 1 week free trial
This membership will automatically end after 12 months
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€1+ every 3 months x 4

Matrix-Q Plants Trees

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