Matrix-Q Purpose-Driven Entrepreneur's Club

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Matrix-Q Purpose Driven Entrepreneurs' Club

Our members are dedicated to creating a positive impulse for the following 9+ generations by addressing global, local, and social pressing issues with innovation, entrepreneurship, and investment.

Hosted by the founder, Luis Daniel Maldonado Fonken

Luis started with his first business project at age 12, has been developing private multidisciplinary research and innovation (self-funded) since 1993, and investing in purpose-driven entrepreneurship in the travel industry, health, education, sustainability, Edutech, gamification, personal growth, coaching, nature-inspired innovation, futurism, culture, arts, human rights, inclusion and diversity, holistic business management, positive causes, youth, leadership, and startups. Since 2016 from the HQ in the Netherlands, rebranded as Matrix-Q Entrepreneur's Club


Members are invited to join collaboration projects, and entrepreneurial time-sensitive opportunities*.


Pitching, networking, events, webinars, subscriptions, and e-forum, conversations, dedicated to providing knowledge, insights, sharing experiences, brainstorming, and crowd intelligence, to develop the community culture.


Members are invited to take gamified challenges, tasks, missions, assignments, or develop projects. Games, simulations, and training are designed to develop specific skill sets, mindsets, or knowledge necessary for entrepreneurial success **. Eligible members, that have earned and reached a minimum threshold of points receive rewards, and prizes, in the form of discount coupons, vouchers, gift certificates, training, coaching, subscriptions, and also cash.


Members receive the support of the Matrix-Q Fund Program, to accelerate their development. The Matrix-Q Fund provides scholarships for young aspiring innovators and entrepreneurs and supports positive causes (children and youth, culture, health, civilization transition, human rights, inclusion, education, and nature care programs).***


An advanced program in which our members commit to utilizing advanced innovative technology, knowledge, skills, and tools, to accelerate civilization transition, and improve their quality of life, work-life balance, quality time, health prevention, family/community resilience, welfare, and sustainable living.

An inner network keeps meetings and training. With a gamified program, access is given to knowledge and technology.


Time-sensitive opportunities for entrepreneurs are suggested, such as part-time jobs, co-founder programs, consulting, and coaching. Our human capital unit is always recruiting, and providing training. The next generation of purpose-driven entrepreneurs bridges the skills gap with a gamified data-driven human capital program.


Active members contribute with the subscription, membership fees, monthly

Pause members, have paused their membership, but continue with the membership status for a time limit

Passive members receive our updates and join activities from time to time

Please contact Luis for more details about how you can pause, activate or hold your membership


The membership gives access to content, experiences, collective explorations, and programs available only to members

99% of the memberships are facilitated online, remotely.

Only meet-ups at the location and travel & Leisure expeditions are facilitated on-site.

After 3, 6, 9, or 24 months, according to the case, the membership fees may be reduced if are paid yearly. Please contact us for more details.

EXPLORER Membership

Attend free events, demo sessions, webinars, presentations, e-publications, and remote conversations.

Receive our e-newsletter and follow up

5 EUR/mo


Attend live events (remote program): work-life balance, quality of life, and health prevention, facilitated by a human specialist. A gamified program. Includes subscriptions, training, tools, and coaching.



Contribute to positive causes and projects, as a volunteer. A gamified program. Includes subscriptions, training, tools, group coaching, and round table conversations, participation in podcasts as guests on the topics of the volunteer's projects.

At the moment we are active in education for youth, human rights, and purpose-driven innovation.

20 min/day + 1-hour weekly check-in + 2 hours volunteers gathering remote every 2 weeks commitment.


+ 12 EUR (IDentity Check, Values Check, NDA Non-Disclosure Agreement, License Agreement, Volunteer Agreement)

After the first month, the membership fees will be reduced if the volunteer commits to 3 or 12 months volunteer.


Join the Matrix-Q Human Specialist Program, and receive training to utilize Matrix-Q A.I. for business, health, personal growth, sustainability, consulting, design, and coding. Qualify to receive a license. Gamified Program. Complete one challenge and then get access to the next one.

The program is standard for all members. After 3, 9, or 24 months eligible members may access an individual or topic/license-related program.

12 EUR/month 20 min/day commitment

+ 12 EUR (IDentity Check, Values Check, NDA Non-Disclosure Agreement, License Agreement, Human Capital on Call Agreement)


Explore your capacity to become an active member of our ecosystem.

Learn about our brand, and test your entrepreneurial skills set (DNA, capacity level), communication, and wealth generation capacity. Includes coaching and assessment reports.

27 EUR/ trial + 9 EUR Identity Check


Subscribe to our podcast as a content contributor. We will ask you several questions, to tell the story of your company, project, or innovation. Earn a royalty. Get promoted in our network, and introduced to our audience.

36 EUR/ podcast + 9 EUR (IDentity Check, Values Check, Royalty Agreement)


As a purpose driven entrepreneur, you want to contribute with a message and life-story. We produce inspiring assets together, as co-creators, using the Matrix-Q Communication framework. Earn royalties for each asset created. Use the digital assets, and presentations, events, to boost your personal brand, power up your social media, give a message, share your legacy, inspire, expand your network.

54€ / asset + 9 EUR (IDentity Check, Values Check, Royalty Agreement)


Remote meet-ups, to pitch your business, motivate our members to participate in collaboration projects, or do a call for co-founders or investors. Demos, Work-Life Balance & Entrepreneurial Skills Gamified Training, Futurist and risk analysis reports and conversations. Collective action, strategic planning, collaboration opportunities, group coaching, and mentorship, time-sensitive opportunities update, at the meetup event. Only one remote meetup event per month. Dates are fixed in the schedule of our club.

Commitment to 3 hours of remote meet-ups/ once per month + 20 min/day

36 EUR/month/meetup + 9 EUR (IDentity Check, Values Check, Business Road Map Status Check)


Meet up at your location, to gather your network, pitch your business, motivate our members to participate in collaboration projects, or do a call for co-founders or investors. Demos, Work-Life Balance & Entrepreneurial Skills Gamified Training, Futurist and risk analysis reports and conversations. Collective action, strategic planning, collaboration opportunities, group coaching, and mentorship, time-sensitive opportunities update, at the meetup event. The meet-up will be scheduled within 1 year period, once at least 12 attendees have registered and agreed on a time and date. Compulsory to have an active membership attending remote meetups.

Commitment to 3 hours of remote meet-ups/ once per month + 20 min/day.

This membership can be paid once, as a registration, then shift to remote meetup only. At the moment only available for cities in the Netherlands.

54 EUR/month/meetup + 9 EUR (IDentity Check, Values Check, Business Road Map Status Check)


Receive a tailor-made data-driven gamified challenge. Test your entrepreneurial project, innovation, team capacity, and your skills. Achieve targets, and generate more revenue with your business.

12 Levels of complexity. Get rewards in value of 500 EUR to 10000 EUR ****

144 EUR/challenge/month + 9 EUR (IDentity Check, Values Check, License Agreement, Business Road Map Status Check)


Receive a tailor-made data-driven gamified challenge. Young entrepreneurs receive training, coaching, and the challenge to design, create and commercialize a serious playing game, utilized for education purposes. The entrepreneurial project is a real business. Young entrepreneurs will achieve targets, and generate revenue.

From age 12* to 21 years old. With parental/mentor authorization only.

20 min/day + 2 hours workshop (once/ month) + Weekly Check-In 1 hour Saturdays Morning Remotly.

144 EUR/challenge/month + 9 EUR (IDentity Check, Values Check, License Agreement, Parental Agreement)


Attend training, learn new skills, and participate in a data-driven gamified challenge. Achieve targets, earn rewards, and even cash. 500 EUR to 10000 EUR

260 EUR/ workshop-challenge / mo + 9 EUR (IDentity Check, Values Check, License Agreement)


Attend training programs, receive discount coupons, access to innovation and technology, inner economy system, and futurist community dedicated to accelerating civilization transition. Futurist & Visionary Reports. Risk assessment reports. We schedule innovations every month

20 min/day + 1-hour weekly check-in, 3 hours/month community gathering commitment

54 EUR / mo / Training + 9 EUR (IDentity Check, Values Check, License Agreement)


Included coaching-training program, data-driven marketing, profiling, communication, negotiation, perception of value, marketing, and sales. Matching with specific products and services. 12 income streams. Up to 45% commissions. Earn from 27 EUR to 3000 EUR/ item + Target Bonus. Includes residual commissions for referrals.

20 min/day + 1-hour weekly check-in, 3 hours/month Group Coaching

27 EUR / mo

+ 9 EUR (IDentity Check, Values Check, NDA Non-Disclosure Agreement)


Included coaching-training program, data-driven marketing, profiling, communication, negotiation, perception of value, marketing, and sales. Matching with specific funding projects. Up to 20% commissions, 3% royalties.

Earn from 1000 EUR/ item + Target Bonus.

20 min/day + 1-hour weekly check-in, 3 hours/month Group Coaching Commitment

27 EUR / mo

+ 9 EUR (IDentity Check, Values Check, NDA Non-Disclosure Agreement)


Included coaching-training program, data-driven marketing, profiling, communication, marketing, and sales. Matching with specific co-creation projects. Up to 45% royalties.

Earn from 4 EUR to 5000 EUR/ item

20 min/day + 1-hour weekly check-in, 6 hours/month Co-creator Workshop Commitment

144 EUR / mo / Workshop

+ 12 EUR (IDentity Check, Values Check, NDA Non-Disclosure Agreement, License Agreement, Royalty Agreement)


Included coaching-training program, data-driven marketing, profiling, communication, negotiation, perception of value, marketing, and sales. Matching with specific Business-Lines. Branding Podcast co-creator royalties. Up to 45% Commissions + royalties. Earn from 50 EUR to 10000 EUR/ item + Target Bonus

20 min/day + 1-hour weekly meetup check-in, 3 hours/month Ambassadors Gathering, Commitment

54 EUR / mo +

+ 12 EUR (IDentity Check, Values Check, NDA Non-Disclosure Agreement, Lawful Financial Sources Declaration, License Agreement)


Included coaching-training program Workshops: perception of value, holistic circularity, long-term multigenerational investment, purpose quest, Holistic quantum entrepreneurship, Matrix-Q Business Valuation Method. Only one workshop per month. Matching with specific Business Projects. Futurist Reports. Investment opportunities. Conversations (remote events, webinars)

3 hours/month workshop Commitment + 1 hour/month Investment Opportunities Meet-Up Remote

250 EUR / mo +

+ 12 EUR (IDentity Check, Values Check, NDA Non-Disclosure Agreement, Lawful Financial Sources Declaration, License Agreement)


Included coaching-training program workshops: Matrix-Q A.I., Matrix-Q Human Specialists, Matrix-Q Holistic-Data, Futurist & Innovation Predictions, Matrix-Q Digital Transition Projects, and Status Reports. Matching to a digital platform or tool. Subscription to the Matrix-Q SaaS, Digital Platform, or smart app. 3% Royalties / paid user for up to a total of 275 EUR + 3 months. Discount coupons (Vouchers) in value of 250 EUR (Transferable)

3 hours/month workshop Commitment + 1 hour/month Digital Funding Opportunities Meet-Up Remote

250 EUR / mo +

+ 12 EUR (IDentity Check, Values Check, NDA Non-Disclosure Agreement, Lawful Financial Sources Declaration, License Agreement, Royalty Agreement)


Complete a training program, and facilitate Matrix-Q Workshops. Includes coaching, and training program data-driven marketing, profiling, communication, negotiation, perception of value, marketing, and sales. Matching with specific Workshop. Branding Podcast Workshop-Facilitator royalties. Up to 45% Commissions + royalties. Earn from 100 EUR p.p to 500 EUR p.p / workshop facilitated + Target Bonus

20 min/day + 1-hour weekly meetup check-in, 3 hours/month Workshop Facilitators Commitment

500 EUR / mo / Workshop Training

+ 12 EUR (IDentity Check, Values Check, NDA Non-Disclosure Agreement, Lawful Financial Sources Declaration, License Agreement)


A complete program, full day, at Terschelling Island, the Netherlands, with Luis Daniel Maldonado Fonken, includes workshops, coaching, and training. Immersive experience. All activities are facilitated outdoors. We also spend time together biking, hiking, swimming, and exploring the island.

Tailor-made gamified program. Includes e-learning programs, and subscriptions.

1000 EUR/Day Immersion Program

It doe snot include travel, accommodation, or food

+ 9 EUR (IDentity Check, Values Check, License Agreement)


A complete program, 3xfull days, in the North of the Netherlands, visiting archeological sites, with Luis Daniel Maldonado Fonken, includes workshops, coaching, and training. Immersive experience. All activities are facilitated outdoors. We also spend time together biking, hiking, and exploring the sites. We have time for dinner, lunch, and breakfast together. Included handpan private concert and positive mindset activation.

Tailor-made gamified program. Includes e-learning programs, and subscriptions.

3000 EUR/Day Immersion Program

It does not include travel, accommodation, or food

+ 12 EUR (IDentity Check, Purpose Check, License Agreement)

(*) Eligibility conditions apply. Experience, mindset, vision, education, capacity building, ability to utilize specific knowledge, methods, tools, technology, skills, methods, data, A.I.

(**) Eligibility conditions apply. Additional fees may apply

(***) Eligibility conditions apply. After a brief assessment, 12 questions, and eventually 3 months of trials, the members may receive 1-4 levels of collaboration provided by the Matrix-Q Fund Program

(****) The challenges provide 12 levels of complexity. After the first challenge, we may level up the complexity. Additional fees may apply

(*****) We utilize 12 steps identity checks.

Watch link provided after purchase


There is no refund, after purchase, rescheduling, membership validity end, quit notice, there is no refund

Last updated Jul 30, 2023

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€50 a month

Matrix-Q Purpose-Driven Entrepreneur's Club

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