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Summer Program 2024 Workshops

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"Hand someone a book or an app on yoga and ask them to teach it the next day, week, or month. What do you think will happen? Skills like yoga, dance, martial arts, gardening, fitness, performing arts, and more can't be mastered or taught just by reading. These fields require practice and experiential learning, not just cognitive understanding. True learning is holistic, integrating mind and body to enhance performance and application". ~ LDMF

🌞 Plan Your Transformative Summer Today! 🌿

Book Your Weekend Immersion or Full Summer Pass Now

🔓 Open Weekends Until Mid-October

🌍 Explore Workshops, Community Days, and More

Dates Available:

• 20th & 21st July

• 27th & 28th July

• 3rd & 4th August

• 10th & 11th August

• 17th & 18th August

• 24th & 25th August

• 31st August & 1st September

• 7th & 8th September

• 14th & 15th September

• 21st & 22nd September

• 28th & 29th September

• 5th & 6th October

đź“… Secure Your Spot Now!

Join us in Rhenen city and the picturesque Grebbeberg forest, or host your own event at a location of your choice.

Subscribe today to the Summer Program 2024: (ONLINE learning during the weekdays or at diverse locations in the NETHERLANDS, hybrid or remote programs)

Claim a date for your own location by expressing interest to the program coordinators. Detailed information at MatrixQ Gumroad

Details information at MatrixQ Gumroad

Or send me a DM in social media or WhatsApp text at +31626673380 or email at

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Welcome to the Matrix-Q Community of Practice

Unveil the Path to Primordial Knowledge and Geometry

In today's fast-paced world, effective learning transcends traditional methods. Embrace a holistic approach with our community dedicated to mastering primordial knowledge and geometry through experiential learning.

This summer, we invite you to join our collective journey towards enhanced consciousness and human potential. By participating in our advanced immersive training program and taking advantage of our special community pricing model, you not only gain access to transformative workshops and weekend immersions but also unlock the power of collective learning.

Engage with like-minded individuals and facilitators who share a passion for personal and collective evolution. Together, let's explore the depths of consciousness, harness the wisdom of ancient traditions, and co-create a future where innovation and wisdom converge seamlessly.

Navigating an Era of Complexity

We are living in unprecedented times marked by complexity, ambiguity, and rapid change. As global disruptions in society, industries, nature, technology, and the economy continue to intensify, our traditional ways of thinking and operating are being challenged. To navigate this evolving landscape successfully, we need to cultivate a new level of readiness—one that is grounded in enhanced consciousness, human performance, and primordial knowledge.

The Imperative of Consciousness

Consciousness is more than just awareness; it is the key to unlocking our potential and adapting to the demands of a rapidly changing world. Investing in self-education and consciousness now is critical for several reasons:

1. Enhanced Human Performance: By understanding and harnessing the power of consciousness, we can optimize our mental, emotional, and physical capacities. This leads to improved decision-making, problem-solving, optimized productivity, creativity, and resilience in the face of challenges.

2. Holistic Adaptation: As the world changes, a holistic approach to adaptation is essential. Consciousness allows us to integrate various dimensions of our being—mind, body, heart, voice, language, emotions, motion, purpose, vision, bliss, and spirit—enabling us to respond to transitions with agility and grace.

3. Sustainable Living: Consciousness fosters a deeper connection with nature and promotes sustainable living practices. By aligning our actions with natural principles, we can contribute to a more balanced, ethical, and harmonious world.

The Value of Primordial Knowledge & Primordial Geometry

Primordial knowledge, rooted in the timeless patterns and principles of nature, offers a powerful framework for personal and collective transformation. This ancient wisdom, combined with modern scientific understanding, provides tools and techniques that are crucial for thriving in an uncertain future.

Why Invest in Primordial Knowledge & Primordial Geometry Now?

1. Universal Language: Primordial geometry, light form-wave and sound/frequency patterns are a universal language that transcends cultural and temporal boundaries. By learning this language, we can integrate diverse traditions and wisdom into our lives without diluting their essence.

2. Resilience and Adaptability: Primordial knowledge equips us with the skills to cope, adapt, and respond to disruptions, uncertainties, and time-sensitive opportunities. It enhances our ability to navigate complexity with confidence and creativity.

3. Holistic Transformation: Engaging with primordial knowledge involves a comprehensive approach, utilizing a coordinated body, heart, mind, language (voice), frequencies, visualizations (vision), energy, emotion (motion), purpose (vision, mission, and bliss), and conscious breathing. This leads to profound and lasting transformation, preparing us for any future challenges.

Preparing for the Future: The Next 10-30 Years

As we look ahead to the next decade and beyond, the pace of change is expected to accelerate. The following trends underscore the need for a foundation in consciousness, enhanced human performance, and primordial knowledge:

- Technological Advancements: Rapid technological developments will continue to disrupt industries and societies. A heightened state of consciousness will help us harness technology responsibly and ethically, leveraging human competencies that cannot be displaced by emerging technologies.

- Environmental Challenges: Climate change, resource depletion, and environmental degradation will demand innovative and sustainable solutions. Primordial knowledge can guide us in living in harmony with nature.

- Economic Shifts: Economic volatility and transitions will require resilience and adaptability. Consciousness and enhanced human performance will enable us to navigate financial uncertainties with clarity and foresight.

- Social Dynamics: As social structures evolve, empathy, compassion, and strong human connections will be vital. Enhanced consciousness fosters these qualities, strengthening community bonds.

A Call to Action

If you could create the foundation for advanced human performance, holistic adaptation, and sustainable living in just one season, wouldn’t you seize the opportunity?

This summer presents the perfect time to invest in self-education: consciousness, enhanced human performance, and primordial knowledge. By doing so, you not only prepare yourself for the challenges of the immediate future but also lay the groundwork for a resilient and fulfilling life in the years to come.

Join us this summer to embark on this transformative journey. Together, we can build a conscious, knowledgeable, and resilient community ready to thrive in the complexities of our modern world. Invest in yourself now, and equip yourself with the essential assets and resources needed for any future we may face.

Join Us for a Transformative Summer

Explore the Power of Consciousness, Enhanced Human Performance, and Primordial Knowledge

Embrace the Journey to Personal and Collective Transformation

Welcome to a summer like no other. This season, we invite you to immerse yourself in an extraordinary program dedicated to exploring the depths of consciousness and primordial knowledge. Designed to enhance performance, improve quality of life, foster profound human connections, and cultivate a holistic, purpose-driven lifestyle, our program offers a unique blend of ancient wisdom and modern understanding.

Why Consciousness Matters

In these complex and uncertain times, consciousness is our guiding light. It enables us to navigate the intricacies of modern life with clarity, purpose, and resilience. By enhancing our awareness, we can:

- Boost Performance: Improve efficiency and effectiveness in personal and professional realms. Achieve an enhanced human performance capacity.

- Enhance Quality of Life: Promote mental clarity, emotional balance, and physical well-being. Realize a holistic and purpose-driven lifestyle.

- Foster Human Connections: Enrich relationships through empathy and better communication. Build a resilient and sustainable community.

- Live Purposefully: Align actions with values and goals for a more meaningful life. Realize your vision.

Discover the Power of Primordial Knowledge & Primordial Geometry

Primordial knowledge taps into the timeless patterns of nature and the language of geometry. These foundational principles, when integrated with modern practices, offer profound tools for personal and collective growth. Our program focuses on:

- Holistic Practices: Harmonizing the body, emotions, mind, language (voice), frequencies, visualizations (vision), emotion (motion), purpose (mission, vision and bliss), energy, and conscious breathing.

- Subconscious Alignment: Aligning the subconscious mind with a higher state of consciousness for accelerated growth.

- Community Building: Holding space for human connection. Creating a resilient and collaborative community that supports each member’s journey.

Integrating Holistic Systems

The beauty of primordial knowledge lies in its ability to utilize the mathematics, patterns of nature, principles, cycles, rhythms, and laws of nature to enable personal growth and spiritual growth. The same knowledge is utilized to create tools, methods, skills, competencies, techniques, algorithms, holistic data, systems, holistic technology, and innovations.

As a language, primordial geometry and mathematics help us to study and represent integral wisdom from various traditions. By respecting each tradition’s origins and maintaining their purity, we can build a robust and inclusive framework that benefits from the richness of diverse perspectives. Because of its mathematical nature, able to represent and measure qualities, traits, and values of organic, human, and cosmological nature, it aligns with modern science and technology innovation.

This integrative approach supports:

- Nervous System Optimization: Techniques to enhance the function and resilience of our nervous system.

- Human Connection: Practices that strengthen our capacity for empathy, communication, and collaboration.

- Spiritual Alignment: Methods to align our actions and intentions with our spiritual goals and higher purpose.

- Emotional Intelligence: Cultivating compassion, gratitude, self-love, joy, care, and appreciation for oneself and others.

- Time Awareness: Cultivating the capacity to navigate time utilizing our consciousness, positive emotions, and fractal time methods.

- Quantum Jumping: Developing self-knowledge and self-realization by cultivating a positive relationship with our multidimensional nature.

- Understanding: To harness powerful tools and knowledge derived from the quantum nature of all that is, multiple worlds, and simulations theories.

- Shadow Work: Navigating ancestral and family legacy with a new encoded language based on nature principles and systemic timeless reading.

- Transformational Journey: Navigating transition, change, complexity, ambiguity, uncertainty, external barriers, disruptions, and time-sensitive opportunities with ease.

- Purpose Quest: Alignment to your heart, life journey, bliss, and purpose. Exploring a primordial alignment to most essential daily life lessons that life, the ultimate master, creates for you.

- Consciousness Enhancement: To enable advanced human performance.

Learning Primordial Geometry and Knowledge

Mastering primordial geometry and primordial knowledge encompasses all these forms of learning. These ancient disciplines are comprehensive in nature, requiring:

  • Cognitive Understanding: Grasping the theoretical foundations and principles of primordial geometry and knowledge through study and reflection.
  • Experiential Learning: Engaging directly with primordial practices and principles to internalize wisdom and practical applications.
  • Indirect and Holistic Learning: Observing and integrating insights from ancient wisdom traditions holistically, considering their implications across various dimensions of life.
  • Gamified and Challenge-based Learning: Using gamification and challenging tasks to motivate engagement and deepen understanding.
  • Action-oriented and Milestone-driven Learning: Taking actionable steps and achieving developmental milestones in mastering the practical aspects of primordial knowledge.
  • Personal, Spiritual, and Transformational Growth: Cultivating personal and spiritual growth through practices embedded in primordial teachings, fostering profound personal transformation.

By embracing these diverse forms of learning, practitioners of primordial geometry and knowledge not only gain theoretical knowledge but also cultivate wisdom, pragmatic experience, and the ability to create meaningful outcomes in their personal lives and broader communities. This holistic approach ensures that ancient wisdom is not merely understood intellectually but integrated deeply into daily life, fostering profound personal and societal evolution.

Program Highlights

Weekend Immersions: Attend one or more days

Day 1: Community and Connection

- Workshops on leveraging consciousness for growth.

- Group activities, human connection, nature excursions, group coaching, meaningful conversations, celebrations, sound healing, and experiences.

- Handpan sound healing sessions to accelerate transformation through frequencies, sensory awareness, and positive emotions.

- Future vision manifestation, aligning your purpose to take action daily.

Day 2: Primordial Knowledge Boot Camp

- Intensive training in primordial knowledge and holistic practices.

- Techniques for subconscious alignment and personal transformation.

- Training sessions of 20 sec, 10 min, and 20 min with group practices of 40 min on Primordial Knowledge (Yoga, Enchantations, Dance, Sound, Breathing, Manifestation, Quantum Jumping, Thinking, Fractal Time, Meditation, Visualizations, Future Vision, Self-Knowledge, Regeneration, Sexuality and Co-creativity, Life Journey Navigation, Self-defense, Shadow Work, Generational & Family Legacy Alignment) and much more.

Weekday Activities

Online Open House Events, Meetups & Community of Practice

- 10-minute training sessions and Q&A opportunities for personalized assessments and program recommendations.

- HandPan sound sessions and body awareness techniques.

- Community of practice, daily sessions of 10-20 min.

- Meetups, conversations, and mastermind sessions.

Digital e-learning materials and subscriptions

- Workbooks, handbooks, and journals.

- DIY guides.

- e-Books.

- Audio tracks, video lessons, podcasts.

- Subscriptions to recorded audio and video content.

### Special Offers and Membership Plans

Early-Bird Subscriptions

Full Summer Pass

- €2000 (Early-Bird Discount, please contact us).

- Access to all weekend boot camps and workshops (Venue fees not included).

- Eligible to receive certificates upon completion of the season.

- Option to take a test exam to join the academia as facilitators and apprentices without additional fees, to complete the license program of 12 levels and 729 days.

- Includes all services of the full weekend and first-day passes.

Full Weekend Pass

- €800 (Early-Bird Discount, individual purchase only).

- Includes 2 years Membership, unlimited access to the Matrix-Q Community of practice sessions online.

- Includes 3 Matrix-Q Assessment & Coaching sessions with Luis Daniel Maldonado Fonken (12 hours).

- Includes e-workbooks, e-books, handpan sounds, and invitations to online events.

First Day Workshop Pass

- €120 (Early-Bird Discount, individual purchase only).

- Access to the first day of workshops and community activities each weekend.

Standard Subscriptions

- Full Summer Pass: €2500**

- Full Weekend Pass: €1000*

- First Day Workshop & Community Activities Pass: €150

Community Pricing Model for the Full Weekend Pass only

- Individual Price: €1000

- Invite One Person: €500 each (2 attendees) Community Fee €1000

- Invite Two People: €450 each (3 attendees) Community Fee €1350

- Invite Three People: €400 each (4 attendees) Community Fee €1600

- Invite Four People: €350 each (5 attendees) Community Fee €1750

- Invite Five People: €300 each (6 attendees) Community Fee €1800

- Invite Six People: €250 each (8 attendees) Community Fee €2000

The more people you invite, the lower the cost per person, down to just €250 each with eight attendees. This system allows us to

welcome communities, networks, families, also coaches, and facilitators with their communities to join our extended network and community of members. If you and your community are interested in a full-season pass with a community pricing model, please contact us.

### Reserve Your Spot for Fall

Can’t join us this summer? Secure your place for the Fall season with a pre-registration subscription. This ensures your access to our next program cycle, available exclusively to summer participants and pre-registrants.

Full Fall Pass: €2000 (Early-Bird Discount, please contact us)

- Access to all weekend boot camps and workshops (Venue fees not included).

- Eligible to receive certificates upon completion of the season.

- Option to take a test exam to join the academia as facilitators and apprentices without additional fees, to complete the license program of 12 levels and 729 days.

- Includes all services of the full weekend and first-day passes.

### Join Us Today

Redefine learning and shape a future where wisdom and innovation converge. Together, let's unlock new dimensions of human potential and consciousness.

Subscribe Now and start your journey with the Matrix-Q Community of Practice.

### Contact Us

For more information, visit our website:

Connect with Us #MatrixQ #MatrixQCommunity #PrimordialKnowledge #HolisticLearning #LuisDanielMaldonadoFonken #MatrixQStudio

What is Included In the Summer Program for our Community of Practice

Tools, Methods, and Their Benefits

1. Geometric Designs and Visualizations:

- Utilizing patterns and shapes found in nature, such as the Fibonacci sequence & Primordial Geometry Patterns, to enhance understanding and consciousness.

2. Frequencies and Sound Therapy:

- Employing specific primordial tones and frequencies to accelerate the journey of personal transformation and healing.

3. Body Movements and Conscious Breathing:

- Techniques designed to align the body, mind, heart, voice, language, purpose, vision, bliss, emotion, motion and spirit, promoting holistic health and well-being.

4. Emotional Clarity (Self-regulation) & Presence Practices:

- Methods for harnessing emotions, presence, and clarity to create a deeper human connection and a higher state of consciousness.

5. Language and Metaphoric Expressions:

- Using a unique metaphoric language based on primordial geometry, and nature sinspired symbolic language, to integrate knowledge from various traditions without losing their purity.

Primordial Knowledge

A holistic suite of tools, techniques, and methods that are continuously expanding as a coherent mathematics-based system. The following tools have been rediscovered and developed along the last 30 years, and are unique with the language of primordial mathematics and primordial knowledge.

- Primordial Yoga

- Primordial Enchantations

- Primordial Dance Improv.

- Primordial Sound Yoga

- Primordial Breathing (Matrix-Q Breathe Method)

- Primordial Manifestation Tools

- Primordial Quantum Jumping

- Primordial Thinking Tools

- Primordial Fractal Time

- Primordial Simulation and Multiple worlds theory

- Primordial Meditations, Visualizations

- Matrix-Q Quantum Vision tools and predictive algorithms

- Self-Knowledge tools and methods, purpose quest

- Primordial Self-Regeneration

- Primordial Conscious Sexuality and Cocreativity

- Primordial Conscious Conception, and parenting tools

- Primordial Life Journey Navigation Tool

- Prime-Do, Self-defense holistic system and language

- Primordial Shadow Work, Ancestral & Family Legacy Alignment

- The Golden Triangle of Entrepreneurship

- Holistic Wealth System

- Holistic Freedoms Assessment Tool

- Holistic Economy Models

- Multidisciplinary Innovation Tools

- Holistic Quality of Life Tool

- A Gamified Data-Driven Holistic Learning / Teaching Methodology for Accelerated Learning and Coaching

- Culture generation engine design

- Primordial Symbolic Poetic Language for Storytelling

- Handpan Sounds Methodology for leisure, health, and personal growth

- Primordial Sonic Therapy Tool

- Primordial Dance Improvisation

- Primordial Quantum Algorithms method

- And much more.

Accelerated Gamified Coaching & Training

Legacy of Transformation, Matrix-Q Methodology

The highest value being created today with primordial knowledge is our new digital commodity: Legacy of Transformation: Unlock Your Potential with Our Proven 30-Year Journey to Success.

Embark on a transformative journey with our coaching, training, and mentorship methodology, meticulously developed over three decades of dedicated research (Matrix-Q Research Institute, Multidisciplinary Holistic Knowledge, Tools, Systems, Algorithms, Innovations, by Luis Daniel Maldonado Fonken), extensive case studies, and experiential applications across diverse industries, countries, and individual scenarios.

With a rich history of refinement and upgrades, our methodology has impacted thousands of individuals, numerous companies, nonprofits, communities, and families worldwide. Grounded in real-world insights and proven through practical experience, our approach is a culmination of invaluable learnings and success stories gathered over the years. Join us in embracing this legacy of expertise and innovation to unlock your full potential and achieve meaningful transformation in your personal and professional life.

Transform your coaching, training, and mentorship journey with our cutting-edge, data-driven methodology designed to unlock your full potential. Our holistic approach harnesses the power of advanced analytics and gamified experiences to drive measurable outcomes in skill enhancement, behavior change, and multidimensional awareness.

Each program is crafted with precision, blending human expertise with digital tools to offer advanced assessment of an individual road map and collective learning process, as well as actionable insights and transformative learning experiences.

Leverage our standardized processes and proven frameworks to propel your personal and professional growth, backed by tangible results and data-driven progress tracking. Join the future of personal development and position yourself for success with our innovative coaching and training services—a true commodity in the realm of self-improvement and empowerment. Unlock the possibilities today and embark on a journey of meaningful transformation with us.

With standardized processes and scalable tools at the core, our methodology empowers a network of certified coaches and practitioners to deliver consistent, high-quality experiences. Embrace the future of personal and professional development with a methodology that transcends boundaries and transforms lives on a global scale. Unlock the potential of scalability and embark on a journey of empowerment with us today.

About Me

I am Luis Daniel Maldonado Fonken, an author, innovator, and researcher dedicated to exploring the intersections of ancient wisdom and modern science. My work on primordial geometry has opened new pathways in understanding natural algorithms, the study of the Fibonacci sequence, quantum algorithms, and the perception of time. Through my publications, I aim to share this knowledge with the world, fostering a dedeeper connection between humanity and the fundamental principles of life.

Take Action Now

Join us this summer in a transformative journey of learning, growth, and community at our Summer Program. Explore ancient wisdom and modern innovations through immersive workshops, holistic tools, and cutting-edge methodologies designed to unlock your full potential. Whether you're seeking personal transformation, professional development, or a deeper connection to holistic practices, our program offers a unique blend of theory and practical application.

Embark on this journey with us and join our vibrant community of practice where you'll engage with like-minded individuals, expand your knowledge, and harness actionable insights that drive meaningful change. Don't miss out on this opportunity to elevate your skills, enhance your well-being, and contribute to a global network of seekers and practitioners.

Take the first step towards a holistic and fulfilling summer experience. Enroll today and discover the power of ancient wisdom in shaping a more conscious and connected future.

Together, let's ignite transformation and embrace a journey of empowerment and growth. Join our Summer Program and Community of Practice today!

How the Matrix-Q Venue System Works

Online Attendance:

For our weekday online sessions, all you need is an internet connection. We offer practice times that accommodate all time zones, with live events scheduled to match at least two major time zones. This ensures everyone can participate live or access recordings at their convenience.

In-Person Events in Europe:

If you’re based in Europe, particularly near the Netherlands, join us every weekend. Fridays feature a full-day workshop and community experience, while Sundays offer an immersive retreat or boot camp. These can be booked individually, as a weekend package, or as part of a summer pass that includes nine weeks of online training.

Location and Activities:

Events are held in Rhenen, where Luis Daniel Maldonado Fonken resides. Workshops can be indoors or outdoors, including forest bathing, leisure time in nature, and handpan sound concerts. Venue selection within the region will depend on the number of participants.

Hosting Events in Your Location:

If you prefer the event in your location, you can book it for a minimum fee of 1000 euros. Use our collective pricing system to allow your guests to attend at reduced rates. Venue organization and preparation will be tailored to your location and group size.

Booking and Fees:

Venue fees are not included in the summer pass but are covered for full-day bookings. To secure your preferred location and date, book as soon as possible. Gather your community, friends, family, network, team, or study circle to participate.

Join Us in Rhenen:

For those visiting Rhenen, enjoy our regular outdoor training venues with access to a forest, lake, river, and comfortable facilities. Embrace nature, summer, and a welcoming environment for a transformative experience.

Payment Methods

Our platform on Gumroad offers multiple payment options to ensure convenience and flexibility. You can use Stripe to pay with various credit cards or PayPal, accommodating credit cards from around the world. If you prefer bank transfers, we can organize payments through invoicing. We also support payments with iDEAL. If you need an alternative payment method, we offer a secondary webshop and a ticket tailor system for ticket purchases. Simply contact us, and we will arrange the ideal payment system for you.

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Trial Options, Refund Policy and Disclaimer

Trial Options

At the Community of Practice for Primordial Knowledge and Primordial Geometry, we strive to provide enriching and transformative experiences for all our members and guests. To ensure you have the opportunity to explore our offerings before committing to our immersive programs, we offer a Guest Card. This card grants access to various guest and demo activities specifically designed to help you explore our products and community.

Guest Card

The Guest Card provides access to:

• Demo activities
• Introductory sessions
• Community events

This allows you to get a feel for our community and the value we provide.

Full Day Workshops and Immersive Programs

Our full day workshops and community practice programs are designed to offer an in-depth and immersive experience at an affordable price.


Due to the nature of these programs and the level of commitment involved in preparing and delivering them, we do not offer refunds for these sessions.

We encourage all prospective participants to utilize the Guest Card and attend demo activities to ensure our community and programs align with their expectations and goals. Please note that we offer no refunds for any of our full day workshops or immersive programs.


General Information

The Community of Practice for Primordial Knowledge and Primordial Geometry provides educational and experiential programs designed to enhance personal and professional growth. The information, techniques, and practices shared in our sessions are based on extensive research and practical application.

No Guarantee of Results

While our programs are designed to provide valuable insights and techniques, we cannot guarantee specific outcomes or results. Each individual’s experience and progress will vary based on their unique circumstances, level of commitment, and application of the knowledge and practices shared.

Health and Safety

Some of our programs may involve physical activity, meditation, and other practices that could impact your physical and mental well-being. It is important to consult with a healthcare professional before engaging in any new physical or mental practices, especially if you have any pre-existing conditions.

Personal Responsibility

Participants are responsible for their own actions and decisions. The Community of Practice, its facilitators, and staff are not liable for any adverse effects or consequences resulting from the use or application of the information provided in our programs.

Intellectual Property

All content, materials, and information provided in our programs are the intellectual property of the Community of Practice for Primordial Knowledge and Primordial Geometry. Unauthorized use, reproduction, or distribution of this material is prohibited.

By participating in our programs, you acknowledge and agree to this refund policy and disclaimer. We appreciate your understanding and commitment to personal growth and transformation.

Last updated Jul 21, 2024

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Summer Program 2024 Workshops

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