Matrix-Q Peace Studio - Universal Library of Peace

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Journey into the Past to Transform the Future: Unveiling the Power of Cultural Heritage and Modern Innovation

Imagine a world where the wisdom of ancient civilizations guides us to new heights of innovation and collaboration. At the heart of our project lies a deep respect for cultural heritage, seamlessly intertwined with modern technologies and forward-thinking strategies. Our mission? To empower individuals, strengthen multicultural teams, and create a peaceful, collaborative platform for all paths of life on our planet.

The Importance of Cultural Heritage

History isn't just a series of past events – it’s a treasure trove of knowledge, values, and practices that have stood the test of time. The civilizations that came before us crafted intricate stories and developed profound insights that continue to resonate in our contemporary world.

Vision of a Successful Future

Envision a world transformed by the dedication and passion we have put into scaling our platform and services. A new era has begun, where our hard work has not only flourished online but also manifested in physical spaces – local schools dedicated to travelers, eager to immerse themselves in the legacies of ancient cultures and civilizations.

Bridging the Ancient with the Modern

These schools are more than mere learning centers; they are sanctuaries of knowledge, connecting the wisdom of antiquity with the innovation of modernity. Every student, whether a corporate employee, a curious traveler, a student of college, or a community member, finds themselves walking the sacred grounds of archaeological sites, feeling the weight of history as they explore cultural heritages.

Thriving Business and Multicultural Communities

Our education programs have empowered business employees, equipping them with insights and understanding of diverse cultural paradigms. Multicultural and diverse teams no longer face the friction of misunderstanding but instead thrive on the collaborative synergy brought about by our teachings. Communities worldwide, in multicultural settings, find cohesion and strength, built on a deep respect and appreciation for their diverse roots.

A Platform for Peaceful Collaboration

The platform we are creating is not just a digital space but a new realm of peaceful collaboration, where every individual from all walks of life can contribute and thrive. This world is marked by greater compassion, understanding, and respect, spearheaded by the shared knowledge and experiences we've cultivated.

Join the Matrix-Q Akademia: Knowledge & Truth Seekers

Learn a Universal Language Based on Geometry, Sound & Light Waves to Create a Holistic Library of Knowledge for a Peace Project

About Us:

At the Matrix-Q Peace Studio, we integrate ancient wisdom with modern scientific understanding through the unique Matrix-Q Method. Founded by Luis Daniel Maldonado Fonken, our mission is to create a digital platform that fosters collaboration, understanding, and peace across cultures by utilizing a universal language based on primordial geometry, sound, and light waves.

By bridging diverse ancient knowledge systems, philosophies, and cultural systems, we aspire to inspire harmony and innovation globally.

Role Overview:

We are looking for passionate knowledge and truth seekers to join our dynamic team at the Matrix-Q Academy. If you have experience as a coach, trainer, consultant, or entrepreneur in holistic systems of knowledge and spirituality, this is the perfect opportunity for you.


- Participate in initial interviews and assessments to determine suitability.

- Attend a demo session and mini-workshop to understand the Matrix-Q Method.

- Complete the Matrix-Q Academy training to become a licensed Matrix-Q Facilitator.

- Translate existing knowledge into the Matrix-Q language and facilitate training programs.

- Promote the Matrix-Q Method and guide new customers through our platform.

- Collaborate with other facilitators on innovative solutions, research projects, and publications.

- Travel globally to teach the Matrix-Q Method both online and in-person.

- Develop entrepreneurial projects and innovative applications based on acquired knowledge.


- Commissions

- Project-based salary and compensation

- Performance bonuses and shared pool bonuses

- Training, coaching, subscriptions, and memberships

- Equity and royalties


- Proven experience in holistic systems and practices.

- Understanding and respect for diverse cultural and knowledge systems.

- Strong communication and facilitation skills.

- Open-mindedness and willingness to adopt the Matrix-Q Method.

- Passion for promoting peace and understanding across different cultures.

Recruitment Process:

Luis Daniel Maldonado Fonken will personally facilitate the recruitment process. To join, fill out the [application form]( and attend the webinar and mini-workshop to introduce you to the project.

Contact us via WhatsApp at +31 6 26673380 or via email for more information.


About Us:

The Matrix-Q Peace Studio is at the forefront of integrating ancient wisdom (Holistic Knowledge & Systems) with modern scientific understanding through the Matrix-Q Method.

Founded by Luis Daniel Maldonado Fonken, this unique approach utilizes primordial knowledge and primordial geometry, and primordial langiage inspired by nature's patterns, sound, and light waves.

Our mission is to create a digital platform utilizing primordial language (Matrix-Q Method) a universal language that bridges diverse ancient knowledge systems, philosphies, belief systems, cosmogonies, cultural systems, fostering collaboration, understanding, and peace across cultures, beliefs, and nations.


We are seeking passionate and experienced knowledge and truth seekers, perceiving diverse expressions of cultures, knowledge and spirtuality as a an expression of richness and potentiality in humanity.

Maybe seekers of truth and knowledge, trained )or not) coaches, trainers, consultants, and entrepreneurs with a background in holistic systems of knowledge, holistic living, spitituality, path of consciousness practices to join the Matrix-Q Academy.

As a Matrix-Q Peace Studio Facilitator, you will undergo specialized training to master the Matrix- Q Method and help translate diverse ancient or modern holistic knowledge systems into a unified language.

You will play a pivotal role in promoting and facilitating this methodology, contributing to a global platform dedicated to education, collaboration, and innovation.

The Diversity of Holistic Knowledge Systems: A Path to Universal Understanding:

Throughout human history, the diversity of holistic knowledge systems has been a defining characteristic of our civilizations. From the sophisticated medical practices of ancient China and Ayurveda in India to the intricate cosmologies of the Mayans and Egyptians, every culture has developed unique frameworks to understand the world around them. These systems encompass not only medical knowledge but also philosophies, spiritual beliefs, and ways of life that reflect the essence of the people and their connection to nature and the cosmos.

However, this rich tapestry of knowledge has not always led to harmony. Differences in belief systems and cultural cosmologies have often been sources of tension and conflict. Wars have been fought over religious and philosophical differences, and countless lives have been lost in the pursuit of proving one system superior to another. Yet, each path—rooted in its own historical and cultural context—holds intrinsic value and offers unique insights into the human experience.

Recognizing and respecting the diversity of these knowledge systems can enrich our collective understanding and appreciation of the human journey. If we could find a common universal language to bridge these differences, it would pave the way for greater collaboration and mutual respect. Such a language would not erase the uniqueness of each system but rather highlight their contributions to a larger, interconnected understanding of the world.

The Matrix-Q Method aims to create such a universal language by integrating patterns of primordial geometry, sound, and light waves. This approach transcends linguistic and cultural barriers, offering a framework that can harmonize diverse knowledge systems.

Imagine the potential of a world where we can translate and integrate these ancient and modern systems into a cohesive whole. The exchange of ideas would lead to innovations in science, medicine, philosophy, and beyond. More importantly, it would foster a sense of global community, where differences are not just tolerated but celebrated as essential parts of our collective heritage.

Would you become an ambassador of peace in this endeavor?

Embracing a universal language to bridge our diverse cultural and knowledge systems is not just an intellectual pursuit; it is a call to honor the shared humanity that underpins our varied expressions of life. By doing so, we can transform historical tensions into opportunities for growth and understanding, creating a more harmonious and enriched human experience.

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Matrix-Q Peace Studio - Universal Library of Peace

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