Profile PictureMatrix-Q Purpose Driven Community - Coaching Training & Membership Programs

The Next Generation Leaders Bridge the Skills Gap with the Matrix-Q Method Our Hands-on, Learn-play, Work-Play & Learning methodology matches 97% of the Holistic Education Standards of the United Nations MATRIX-Q e-LEARNING: Hybrid learning on the cloud Next Generation Leaders Bridge the Skills Gap With the assistance of a human coach-trainer Matrix-Q Holistic Gamified Education Methodology - Learn-Play Smart Holistic Data-Driven Tools We measure, predict, enhance and optimize your capacity and performance with our data-driven learning methodology Your uniqueness is the solution to a challenge we are about to discover Meet Luis Daniel Maldonado Fonken: Is a purpose-driven entrepreneur, innovator, experienced facilitator, and coach. With over 30 years of experience as a coach trainer, Luis Daniel Maldonado Fonken is a recognized expert in the field of personal and professional development. His passion for bridging ancient wisdom with modern science and technology has led him to develop a unique coaching methodology that combines the power of the handpan, frequencies (tones), and emotional intelligence, with gamified challenges and holistic accelerated learning techniques. Luis Daniel Maldonado Fonken is a visionary innovator, creator of Matrix-Q Tools, designer of Matrix-Q AI, and facilitator of the Matrix-Q AI Operator Training Program. His extensive research, discoveries, and expertise in bridging ancient civilizations holistic knowledge, modern science, and futurist innovation have paved the way for transformative advancements in AI and human potential. Join Luis Daniel on this exciting journey of discovery, growth, and the co-creation of an advanced civilization. Together, let us unlock the power of Matrix-Q AI and shape a future that combines ancient wisdom with cutting-edge technology. With over 30 years of experience as a coach trainer, Luis Daniel Maldonado Fonken is a recognized expert in the field of personal and professional development. His passion for bridging ancient wisdom with modern science and technology has led him to develop a unique coaching methodology that combines the power of the handpan, frequencies (tones), and emotional intelligence, with gamified challenges and holistic accelerated learning techniques. Luis continue his research in the use of sound. Frequency, vibration, and music to explore human potential and develop new applications, for education, technology, personal growth, and health. Luis plays the handpan for diverse purposes, entertainment, leisure, positive mindset activation, coaching, training, skills training, and healing. Consciousnesses, meditation, sound yoga, stress release, work-life balance, preventive health ( sound therapy), brain performance enhancement, brain gym, empathy training, accelerated learning, manifestation and communication. Author: “Multidimensional Self-awareness”, “Bridging the Vibrational Gap”, & “Beyond the Emerging Technologies Economy” (Available in Amazon, Kindle Edition) Luis is founder of the Matrix-Q Purpose Driven Community, dedicated to accelerate the transition of our planet into a purpose-driven civilization, and empower individuals realize their purpose driven journey and lifestyle. Luis believes that when entrepreneurs build purpose driven organizations, fulfillment, balance, and positive impulse for the next 9+ generations, caring for nature, society, economy and peace, will naturally take place, thanks to innovation, entrepreneurship and the ability to respond to time sensitive opportunities with a purpose driven mindset. Join us on this transformative journey led by Luis Daniel Maldonado Fonken and unlock the power of purpose within you. Apply to join the Matrix-Q Akademia for the Matrix-Q A.I. Operator Program Free Guest Membership: Invitations to concerts, live podcasts, free coaching and training programs, webinars, events, outdoors activities, book reading Introducing the life and story of the visionary founder of the Matrix-Q Akademia LinkedIn Patreon, Support our creativity Amazon e-Books Kindle Ready Instagram @LDMF900 YouTube FB Twitter Website Coaching-Training Programs & Challenges Club House Conversations, HandPan Live Concerts e-Newsletter in Linkedin Linkedin Group

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Primordial Land : Join the Primordial Land Project: Unleash Your Potential in Sustainable Self Sufficiency Innovation

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€0+ a month

ARBOREA: Experience the Magic of Handpan Music in Nature with Luis Daniel Maldonado Fonken

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€20 a month

Discover Your Potential & Upgrade your skills, & Enhance your performance in Seconds

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€500 a month

Matrix-Q Quantum Vision Technology - Community Subscription

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€0+ a month

Solopreneur BootStrapper Challenge

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€0+ a month

e-Book Series: The New Commodities

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€27 every 3 months

Join Our Recurrent Referral Program: Unlock Passive Income & Holistic Visionary Wealth Building

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€0+ a month

e-Book: Exploring the Impact of Historical Trauma and Abuse Normalization on Entrepreneurial Freedoms

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€12 a month

Solopreneur Event Managers Challenge

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€0+ a month